Hello everybody! (Who?)
I've been thinking on maybe doing weekly updates here, to keep a more constant stream of something when I don't feel like writing about anything in particular and just talk about the general status of my projects, so this may be the first edition if I actually go through with it lol.
Anyways, I worked on a bunch of different things this week.

First of all, I drew on another Magma with friends. This time I doodled Marie from Peripeteia (I am so excited for Peri, coming out Feb 21st btw), but then I felt like turning it into a bigger drawing with a background and another character (Nietzschka).
At some point in the process I remembered I have no clue what I'm doing and don't know how to draw backgrounds so I started simplifying anything not-the-main-focus.

I finished working on it at like 6am, went to sleep, and woke up at 9 from a dream where I had forgotten some small detail in the drawing, something about a blue light. I checked the drawing and nothing looked wrong, but after I posted it someone told me the cig was not lit and felt like exploding :'v

I've also continued working on editing the drums and bass from Micro Universe, but editing is more of a practical thing, not really a creative process, and it can end up becoming tedious; so I took a little break and ended up writing, reacording, mixing and basically finishing a completely new song in a day.

This was the catalyst for a new music project (ANOTHER THING THAT WON'T BE RELEASED FOR 56 YEARS YIPPIIEE), featuring rerecorded/remixed versions of those old "The Scuff" songs + a bunch of new ones to actually make it album-lenght.
I have outlines for all the new stuff and a plan for the updated old songs, so unless I end up slacking I may actually be able to finish this relatively quickly.

And yeah, that's about all the important stuff I've done this week artistically. Not really a very interesting post but I really wanted to talk about these things a bit more.
I may add little snippets for music stuff I'm working on, but I haven't figured out the best way to do so yet.
But that's about it for now, thanks for reading and see ya next time!

02_[MAGMA] (03/01/2025. Edit: 06/01/2025)

I'm not really a drawing person. I'm not good at it and I don't really have the tools or patience to get better; but the last couple of days I've been drawing with friends in a Magma canvas.
Since I don't like streaming with that stolen Okuu vtube, I've been thinking about trying to design an OC to replace it and just use the typical pngtuber setup, but I obviously can't do that if I don't feel confident at all in my drawing skills, so this is a really nice way to let loose a bit and mess around.
I don't think I care enough about my terrible drawings to make a new section on the site, so I think I'll just drop a couple doodles from the Magma in here 'cause I'm actually quite happy with how they came out, specially the Nobunaga.

Edit: I added the two other decent drawings I made on that same canvas. I really like the Abby.
Feel free to right click to see them full size (they're really small anyways lmao)

01_[HI] (03/01/2025)

Hi! I have no idea how to set up a real, easier to maintain and keep organized-blog so I decided I'm gonna brute force through it and just keep adding stuff here manually.
I don't think the posts are gonna be very topical so for now it'll be fine to just wing it without any kind of tagging system and having it be one long scroll of thoughts.

On a different thought: happy new years! I hope everyone reading has a good start of the year.
I don't really ever write resolutions or take that type of thing seriously but I guess I do have a couple of goals for this year as a minimum:

-Finish recording, mixing and release my band's debut album.

We've been working on this thing for like the past 5 years, which sounds ridiculous, but when you're self-funded and have 0 budget it's quite hard to get to the level where you can get decent drum recordings lol
But we're inching closer to the finish line. Bassist man finished tracking a week ago, so now the only things left to record are some guitars, additional percussions, piano on one song and vocals.

-Finish at least 2 episodes of my Doom wad.

Honestly, I think 2 episodes might be undershooting, but I'd rather be able to say "I did more than I expected!" than overscoping and burning out with nothing to show.
I do have a solid plan for the first two episodes, spanning maps 01 to 11, so I think the best course is to just get that done before deciding what the rest is gonna be.

-Make the companion-piece to last year's Without A Name.

I've had making a sequel/small part 2 of this album in my mind since it's very inception, I even have the cover art ready and some demos that I made simultaneously with the main album, but things came up and it never went anywhere.
I've had some inspiration recently though and now I have a rough tracklist and themes to work with. It's not gonna be as experimental but more exploring through the same styles already featured in the main project.

-Finding a home for The Scuff.

The Scuff is an old project circa 2020 where I just wrote a bunch of songs with basically 0 production during the start of the pandemic. The songs are there and they're pretty good but I think a touchup would be really nice to them, so I'd like to just grab 'em and polish 'em, maybe even re-record a couple and release them as they're own new thing.

That's it for the big goals, but I do have some smaller things to do as well.

I definitely wanna work out something different for the backgrounds of this site; I like the scanlines and everything but I've had a bunch of friends tell me they hurt their eyes so I think an alternative is inbound.
No idea what for now but it's necessary.

That was a whole lot of ranting about not much in particular, so I think I'll wrap this entry around here.
I'll probably write new stuff in this section periodically or whenever anything interesting happens/occurs to me and I feel like mumbling about it.

Until then, thanks for reading! Bai bai!