My solo albums are all released under a pay what you want model with no minimum price.
Because, from personal experience, I know that people that don't wanna or can't pay for music will always find alternative ways to listen; and unless you get a decillion streams, things like streaming services don't pay anything to artists, you get shitty compressed audio and are tied to the internet, so fuck it!
I'd rather just give you the mp3s, flacs, or whatever format you prefer for free instead; and, if you wanna and are able to, you can support me by buying the music (and every now and then you may get a little extra with it).
Despite this, I may want to put the stuff on other platforms eventually. The problem is this isn't possible without distributors and (at least for now) I'm not willing to pay to have my music on services I don't like; and none of the free distribution solutions I've found really convince me.
So I'm perfectly ok with just keeping this stuff up on Bandcamp, Youtube (which is also a platform I don't like but I need at leastone place where people might find me through recommendations) and some on Soundcloud.
Also! I added some of my unfinished projects here as a way to force myself to actually work on them :'v
Full discography:

(soon) ...Nothing Can Save You
ambient, electronic

(soon) The Scuff
alt rock, metal, pop punk, pop

(soon) Micro Universe
Metodo Socratico
hard rock, pop rock, metal