Hi! My name is nic. I make music, Doom maps and various other things, and I wanted to have a place where I could showcase all of my stuff.
I have no prior knowledge of coding and I just started learning with the intent of building this site so have some patience with me.
01/02/2025: [ANTHROPODA POWER FANTASY] came out! Find it on the [DOOM] section.
13/01/2025: New [BLOG] post.
06/01/2025: Made scanlines bigger and slower.
03/01/2025: Added [BLOG] section.
To do:
-Change the backgrounds to something that doesn't kill eyes.
-Optimize the damn code.
-Support for non-english characters.
-Learn more stuff to make cool things yippie
-Finish my other 33 ongoing projects so I can put more stuff here :'v